Chalutier coquillier
Multipurpose fishing boat
Chalutier coquillier
180 000.00 €
Ad updated on 29/03/2024 dans Multipurpose fishing boat29/03/2024 - France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain > France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
1980 Hebert Heraud Trawler shipyard
wooden trawler
Selling wooden trawler from 1980, length 11.97 and 4.28 m wide. Monoblock engine winches change in 2021 capacity (2x250m of 16) caterpilard engine completely redone in 2022 7500 hours Sold with all equipment trawls, dredges, panels, etc.
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180 000.00 €
Ad updated on 29/03/2024 in Multipurpose fishing boat > France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
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