Images et caractéristiques techniques completes des chalutiers congélateurs et polyvalents

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Ad updated on 23/08/2024 dans Multipurpose fishing boat23/08/2024 - République du Congo > Pointe-Noire > République du Congo > Pointe-Noire

Good morning,
We are a fishing company being created in Pointe Noire in the Republic of Congo.
Please make images and complete technical characteristics of the different freezer trawlers and multipurpose fishing boats available to us by email or WhatsApp to enable us to obtain authorization to purchase one or more boats according to our preference.
At the appropriate time, we go down to the site for the technical visit and also make the purchase.
We would like to start with a fleet of three ships.
We may wish to keep in contact with you for technical and procedural reasons.
We thank you for responding to us as soon as possible.
+242044933108 (WhatsApp)

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