À vendre chalutier 15m
Coastal fishing trawler 12 to 19 m
À vendre chalutier 15m
350 000.00 €
Ad updated on 14/01/2020 dans Coastal fishing trawler 12 to 19 m14/01/2020 - France > Caen > France > Caen
Professional salesman : DAUBERT
1988 trawler for sale with sme but without fishing licenses.
Complete electronics
Engine 2014 Caterpilar C18 32000h
Masson reducer 2014
HPV propeller redone in 2012
Propeller blade 2015
Propeller shaft 2015
Winch completely redone 2014
Gantry 2010
Much work has been done in recent years.
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350 000.00 €
Ad updated on 14/01/2020 in Coastal fishing trawler 12 to 19 m > France > Caen
Professional salesman : DAUBERT
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