Chalutier avec AEP MANCHE EST
Small fishing trawler 6 to 12 m
Chalutier avec AEP MANCHE EST
75 000.00 €
Ad updated on 23/10/2024 dans Small fishing trawler 6 to 12 m23/10/2024 - France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain > France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
Hello I am selling my trawler from 1971
Shell stability file ok
Navigation license ok
Cummins engine running like clockwork
1 pair of panels
1 bottom trawl
1 mackerel semi
Price negotiable
Cause ship change
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75 000.00 €
Ad updated on 23/10/2024 in Small fishing trawler 6 to 12 m > France > Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
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