TORQEEDO travel 1003
Electric outboard motor
TORQEEDO travel 1003
1 100.00 €
Ad updated on 07/01/2020 dans Electric outboard motor07/01/2020 - France > Saint-Raphaël > France > Saint-Raphaël
Professional salesman : azur boat
Torqeedo travel 1003 short shaft motor
Served 3 times like new.
Lack only the connection to recharge the battery.
Possibility to order it in a store that distributes the brand
or on the internet around 80 € for the 220v and 40 € for the 12 / 24v.
The engine is located at ST RAPHAEL VAR 83
Possibility to send it on estimate
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1 100.00 €
Ad updated on 07/01/2020 in Electric outboard motor > France > Saint-Raphaël
Professional salesman : azur boat
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