Marine Diesel Engine
70 000.00 €
Ad updated on 17/05/2023 dans Marine Diesel Engine17/05/2023 - France > Boulogne-sur-Mer > France > Boulogne-sur-Mer
2019 Volvo penta D13
Sells 2 D13NMH engines
December 2019. 2730h
Twin disc reducer reduction 2.04.1 series 5hu007
A reducer with hydraulic pto + all accessories drawers.tank.manettes.4stations
The engines are equipped with 2 alternators and one drain pump per engine + electric drain pump
90dia stainless steel propeller shafts with 4-blade propeller and ercem all from December 2019
Info in private thank you
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70 000.00 €
Ad updated on 17/05/2023 in Marine Diesel Engine > France > Boulogne-sur-Mer
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