Pieces detachees Moteur marin Caterpillar C7 d'occasion
Marine Diesel Engine
Pieces detachees Moteur marin Caterpillar C7 d'occasion
100.00 €
Ad updated on 10/12/2020 dans Marine Diesel Engine10/12/2020 - France > L’Sparre > France > L’Sparre
Professional salesman : MECA-COLLECT
All spare parts for Caterpillar C7 marine engine
-Injector ref 10R0781
-ECM (electronic control module)
-Control panel
-Engine block
-Cylinder head
-Exhaust manifold
- Intake manifold
-Sea water exchanger
-Oil exchanger
Contact us for the availability of spare parts.
We can sell the lot.
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100.00 €
Ad updated on 10/12/2020 in Marine Diesel Engine > France > L’Sparre
Professional salesman : MECA-COLLECT
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