Injecteurs CAT 254-4340
Injection pump / injector
Injecteurs CAT 254-4340
Price not specified
Ad updated on 24/07/2024 dans Injection pump / injector24/07/2024 - France > Lesparre-Médoc > France > Lesparre-Médoc
Professional salesman : MARINE EUROPE INDUSTRIE SAS
CAT 254-4340 injectors for the CAT C9 engine
We provide different models, please contact us with your reference.
Caterpillar 254-4340 Fuel Injector for C9 engine
Application: 324D,325D, 329D,330D,336D excavator for Caterpillar C9 engine
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Ad updated on 24/07/2024 in Injection pump / injector > France > Lesparre-Médoc
Professional salesman : MARINE EUROPE INDUSTRIE SAS
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